Category: Florists Wholesale Category: Florists Wholesale
Address: 109 Market Pavilion, New Spitalfields Market, London, E10 5SL
Landline: 020 855...
Landline: 020 853...
: 020 8558 4768
Website: Visit Website
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wedding, house plants, wholesale plants, bedding plants, wholesale flowers, wholesale florist, garden plants and shrubs, florist wholesalers
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Wholesale florist - quality fresh flowers / foliages, plants for house / garden incl Bedding / Veg plants. All stock is kept in their own temperature controlled environments. Selling quality with friendly service and advice for all floral businesses in London, Essex and Kent. Also a major stockist for Xmas Trees.
Specialist Services Always happy to search for special varieties whether flowers, plants , trees, seasonal items for Weddings and other special days, seasonal plants incl bedding plants. Feel free to phone Ray on 0208 558 6655 for information or email us at and we'll be pleased to call you back. Major Stockist of Christmas Trees - all types, sizes and quantities.
Monday to Sunday
09:00 to 17:30